Linden Blossom - Tilia

Linden Blossom


Linden is a remedy for the heart, especially for hypertension. It as a relaxing nervine. I like to think of Linden as a flower that will help with grief and heartbreak.

  • Plant Family: Tiliaceae
  • Plant type: Perennial
  • Other names: Basswood, Lime Flowers
  • Medicinal: Yes
  • Culinary: No
  • Ceremonial: Yes
  • Parts Used: Flowers & Bracts
  • Side Effects: None
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About Linden Blossom

Linden blossom carries a delicate name and a fragrance that imparts a sweet scent with a citrusy touch. It is predominantly used to compliment perfumes because of its highly complex.

Linden blossom comes from the family Malvaceae and sits in the genus Tilia. Its plant possesses heart-shaped leaves with pea-like tiny fruits that droop from a bract that looks like a ribbon. Historically, linden blossom was considered utterly potent for the treatment of epilepsy. A myth circulated among the mortals that just a little stay beneath the linden blossom tree is more than enough to cure epilepsy.   

In today’s world, some high-end cosmetic companies employ linden blossom in perfumes because of its delicate sweet smell. But linden blossoms are something more than just that signature pretty smell. The folk wisdom, including the epilepsy myth, had scientists’ ears all sprang up and modern herbalism is using it to help with fever, cold, influenza (flu), sore throat, and persistent cough. Linden blossom is also quite fruitful when it comes to normalizing elevated blood pressure. Topically, linden blossoms serve to cure severe itches.

Linden blossoms are packed with rutin, quercitin, volatile oils, kaempferol, mucilage, and p-coumaric acid that contribute to its world-known smell and medicinal activities.


Linden can be started both indoors and outdoors. For outdoor plantation, linden seeds should be sown in fall whereas the containerized specie can be grown any time of the year.

Linden seeds require full to partial sun exposure with soil that is moist but has the capability of draining water rapidly at the same time. Also, the soil must dangle between 7 to 8 pH to have a good yield. However, linden can tolerate weakly acidic soil pH too.

Mulch can be added to the soil for nourishing the linden plant, all the while killing the invasive weeds. Even after becoming a tree, linden hates the idea of dry spells so it requires a lot of water when rainfall is scarce.

The linden seeds exhibit delayed germination that varies from two years to five years. After germination, the plant shows a medium growth rate i.e. around 12 to 20 inches per respective year.

Linden tree then plunges into the flowering phase for just about two weeks. The blooming months vary with the zones. They will blossom sometime during May and July. The drooping clusters of linden blossom liberate attractive smell that invites bees and aphids to perform pollination. After pollination, fertilization occurs that leads to the formation of berries (fruit) that bear seeds.

These seeds are dispersed by animals in the wild, either near or far from the parent plant, to keep with its lifecycle.


Linden blossoms bloom in late spring. They can be harvested only when they are open to attain the best possible content of its active ingredients.

Linden blossoms can be plucked by hands or snipped with sharp gardening shears.

Linden blossoms are dried in a well-ventilated, shaded room or any place where direct sunlight can ruin its essential oils. They are kept in plastic bags for a few days and when they feel brittle to touch, they are stored in airtight glass jars.


No matter how fragile the name linden seems to ears, its pharmacological actions give a one-two punch to the diseases that silently melt our insides.

  • Tincture - Infuse freshly chopped linden blossoms in grain alcohol for 4 to 6 weeks. Strain the liquid and place it in a dark and dry place.
  • Tea - Fresh linden blossoms are steeped for 10 to 15 minutes in hot boiling water to form linden tea.
  • Decoction - Linden blossoms are boiled just for 20 minutes in water and left to sit overnight. In the morning, the plant material is strained and the decoction is saved to cater to the health.
  • Syrup - Linden flowers, sugar, and water are rolled to boil and strained to produce linden syrup.


Articles About Linden Blossom