Herbs that can be used as an Anthelmintic

What are Anthelmintics?

Anthelmintic, also known as dewormers, are substances that treat parasitic worm infections in both people and animals. These parasites can include various types of worms like roundworms, tapeworms, and flukes, which can infest the gastrointestinal tract, tissues, or other body systems. 

These substances function, depending on the type of parasite they are dealing with. In simple terms, they either paralyze the worms, making it easier for the body to expel them, or they disrupt the parasites' essential processes, which eventually leads to their demise. Anthelmintic herbs are considered a more natural alternative to pharmaceutical drugs but their use should be approached with caution, as the dosage and specific herb may vary based on the type of infection and individual factors. 

What are the benefits of an Anthelmintic?

  • Eliminate parasitic worm infection
  • Alleviate the symptoms associated with infections
  • Reduce the spread of parasitic infection
  • Maintain the health of livestock and pets when used in animal 
  • Improve overall health and well-being

3 Herbs Recommended as Anthelmintics

Black Walnut

Black Walnut

Black walnut (Juglans nigra) is a widely recognized natural anthelmintic, valued for its potent properties in combatting parasitic worm infections in both humans and animals. When administered in appropriate doses, black walnut is believed to disrupt the life cycle of parasitic worms, particularly those that infest the gastrointestinal tract. It has been used to treat a range of parasitic infections, including pinworms, roundworms, and tapeworms.

The anthelmintic effect of black walnuts is primarily attributed to juglone's ability to interfere with the worms' metabolism and nervous system, effectively weakening and expelling them from the host's body. It has been used to treat a range of parasitic infections, including pinworms, roundworms, and tapeworms. Consult your healthcare professional regarding the dosage of Black Walnut Tincture before beginning your therapy.



Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) has found traditional use in addressing various parasitic worms like roundworms and pinworms, offering a potential natural remedy for such infections. Its name is derived from the Latin word "absinthium," meaning "bitter," which aptly describes its strong, bitter taste.

Its bitter taste stimulates digestive secretions and can help to expel parasites from the digestive tract. The key active compound responsible for its anthelmintic properties is artemisinin, which is also employed in malaria treatment. It is often administered as a tincture or herbal infusion, and its use should be accompanied by dietary and lifestyle changes to support the body's natural ability to eliminate parasites.



Neem (Azadirachta indica) is a versatile plant with a rich history of medicinal use, including its role as an anthelmintic agent. Neem leaves, seeds, and oil have been traditionally utilized to combat parasitic worm infections in both humans and animals. 

It contains azadirachtin and limonoids that interfere with the life cycle and reproductive processes of parasitic worms, making neem a potential natural remedy against various worm infestations, particularly in the digestive system. 

Its bitter taste and detoxifying properties are believed to help expel worms from the body.  It can be administered in various forms, such as neem leaf extracts, neem oil, or neem seed preparations, depending on the type of parasitic infection.

Other Medicinal Plants that act as a Anthelmintic