Cayenne  - Capsicum annuum


Capsicum annuum

Cayenne Peppers help releive blood pressure, pain and also help stop bleeding.

  • Plant Family: Solanaceae
  • Plant type: Annual
  • Other names: African pepper, African chilies, Bird’s beak, Tabasco pepper
  • Medicinal: No
  • Culinary: Yes
  • Ceremonial: No
  • Parts Used: Fruit & Seed
  • Side Effects: None
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About Cayenne

Capsicum annuum has a lot of varietals to count, one of which is cayenne. Cayenne is also known as paprika, giving earthy and spicy shock to the tongue. Cayenne is usually 4-6 inches long with wrinkled skin and curved tip. They showcase a blood-red color that somehow goes correctly with its hot and spicy taste.

Cayenne is a close relative of jalapenos, bell peppers, and pimientos. The only difference is the over-hotness of the cayenne. Cayenne belongs to the family Solanaceae (nightshade family). They hang from an upright bush, opposing the pattern of growth of bush. A plethora of varietals is available in nature, namely Cayenne Carolina, Golden Cayenne, Cayenne Indonesia, Cayenne Passion, Cayenne Long Thick Red, Cayenne Thomas Jefferson, Cayenne Iberian, Cayenne Violet, Egyptian Cayenne, Ring of Fire, Cayenne Sweet, and Cayenne Buist’s Yellow.

Cayenne is used either in its fresh form or as dried powder in various cuisines all across the world. Be it omelet or stews, cheesy dishes, or curries, cayenne makes its way eagerly to impart its signature hotness.

Being a kitchen favorite, cayenne couldn’t think of staying in one place so it started acing in medicinal fields too. Cayenne can cure cold, sore throat, and fever. It also promotes healthy digestion and boosts the weakened heart by strengthening the arteries and veins. Some meta-analyses prove that cayenne can help ameliorate the painful condition of Rheumatoid Arthritis as it reduces the inflammation of swollen joints.


Cayenne growth depends on the provision of optimum temperature (i.e. at least 68ºF) which is naturally experienced in May and June. So, the cayenne plant can be started in May and June, outdoors. The seeds must be presented with plenty of water, well-drained soil, and direct sun exposure.

For indoor plantation of cayenne, special treatments are given to the plant to encourage its growth. The pot must be filled with potting mix and seeds must be sown ¼ inches deep into the soil. To kick-start the germination, seeds must be given at least 16 hours of light every day.

Given the favorable conditions, cayenne seeds can sprout within 16 to 20 days. The phase is then followed by further growth of the cayenne plant as it gives out shoots and true leaves.

Soon at the onset of summer, the plant produces a diverse variety of flowers that have different colors, shapes, and sizes. The attractive red, pink, and white colors of the flowers help invite pollinating insects to give rise to the formation of a little heavy fruit. Fruits formed from self-pollination are not much big as compared to what gardeners achieve at the hands of insect pollination.

After fertilization, cayenne pepper starts developing, bearing numerous seeds that are utilized for the continuation of the cayenne lifecycle.


Cayenne peppers are ready to be harvested when they are nearly 4 to 6 inches long.

Usually, cayenne peppers are anticipated highly to be harvested so they are snipped pulled off of the stems.

It is recommended to dry the cayenne peppers in direct sunlight. After drying they can either be stored intact or crushed into fine powder for mixing in the cuisines.


Known as the ‘Prince of Spices’, cayenne has taken over the kitchens and medical fields and is governing prolifically.

  • Tincture - Cayenne pepper powder can macerate with alcohol. The powder is not strained and is left in the alcohol. The bottle is shaken before every use to yield a uniform composition.
  • Tea - Just a teaspoon of cayenne pepper is enough to go with a cup of hot boiling water to form cayenne pepper tea.
  • Salve - Cayenne pepper is combined with beeswax, peppermint essential oil, and lavender essential oil to make an analgesic salve.
  • Syrup - Cayenne powder is dissolved in the sugar solution (preferably without heat) to make a simple syrup.
  • Infused oil - Cayenne pepper powder is infused with sunflower oil for 2 -3 days in a yogurt maker to form cayenne oil.