Herbs that can be used as a Hemostatic 

What is a Hemostatic?

Hemostasis is a physiological mechanism that allows the cessation of bleeding from a ruptured blood vessel. It is an interlinked cascade that results in the formation of a ‘plug’ that seals the damaged site and controls blood loss. It is divided into 4 stages for a better understanding of the process:

  • Blood vessel constriction
  • Platelet plug formation (temporary)
  • Coagulation cascade activation
  • Fibrin plug formation to seal the vessel

This process not just closes the wound, but also stops the bleeding and initiates the tissue regeneration mechanism. Once the tissue starts to restore to its former integrity, the fibrin plug begins to dissolve, giving the injured site a makeover.

What are the Benefits of Hemostasis?

Hemostasis helps seal the wound and prevent blood loss from the site of injury.

3 Herbs Recommended as a HEMOSTATIC 



Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is steeped in lore and various historical legends where it was used fervently during wars and clashes to treat wounds. A Greek mythical hero, Achilles, used yarrow leaves as a poultice to stop the bleeding of his wounded soldiers. The antibacterial properties also work simultaneously to prevent the chances of infection in open wounds. Its oil is massaged on closed injuries to reduce inflammation and pain. Use Yarrow Tincture to stop internal bleeding during endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and rupturing of ovarian cysts.



Bugleweed is a perfect ally for people who suffer from nosebleeds, aggressively heavy menstrual bleeding, and coughs that culminate in bloody vomit or sputum. It normalizes blood pressure and takes down hyperthyroidism. It serves as a mild sedative too, thereby treating nervousness, insomnia, and other sleep disorders. Use Bugleweed Tincture at least three times a day and control your bleeding issues.  

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel is a bag of pixie dust straight from the lands of fairies that immediately stops bleeding and irritation of minor wounds. It also serves as a disinfectant cleanses the wounds and soothes the area. Its moisturizing property does not overdry the area, hence reducing the scratchy and irritating sensations. It contains gallic acid and tannins that reduce inflammation and neutralize the free radicals to halt the damage.

Other Medicinal Plants that act as a Hemostatic