What Herbs can help with Digestion?

What Herbs can help with Digestion?

By Shannon, Posted in Herbal Remedies

Who doesn’t want a balanced belly?

It all started when synthetic ingredients invaded our lives. The convenience of pouring unreal, canned substances in our gut has latently destroyed our systems.

Our gut is one of the many reasons for our existence. It breaks down the food we ingest to provide energy and nutrition to the cells of our body. As per scientific folks, the digestive system converts large insoluble solid particles into small soluble particles so that they can be absorbed into the bloodstream and provide nutrients required for growth, energy, repair, and survival.

Ever since we have started venturing into the synthetic world- eating whatever dives into our bowl, the population of protective gut bacteria has been utterly tyrannized, giving rise to digestive issues. 

In this post, we will dive into the realm of 3 herbs that can help with digestion and the problems associated with it.


Dandelion, the tooth of the lion, is brimmed with a plethora of benefits. Although anecdotal, dandelion root tea is of immense importance in soothing minor digestive ailments, loss of appetite, and constipation.

Dandelion is a well-known digestive stimulant that increases the bile and gastric acid to promote stagnated digestion, especially of fats. Also, it balances the growth and working of natural gut bacteria.


Basil is famous for imparting aesthetic flavor to a variety of meals. Its leaves are bagged with an abundance of advantages that are cherished all around the globe. From skin benefits to fighting depression, supporting liver function to managing diabetes, basil has aced every exam it confronted.

Basil is hailed as a digestive tonic that helps in the treatment of indigestion, flatulence, inflammation of the digestive tract, and metabolic acidosis. It provides nutrition to the gut bacteria and allows them to function properly and establish a healthy symbiosis.


Ginger root is a highly reputable herb of all time. In the medicinal world, it has managed to tackle a good load of pathological conditions. Garnished or grated, its pleasant aroma is bound to put that sparkling smile on your face.

In folk medicine, it is used to treat nausea and upset stomach. During pregnancy, it helps a lot with morning sickness. It is also reported to ease indigestion, stomach discomfort, slow metabolism, constipation, gas, gastritis, bloating, and gastric ulcers driven by H. pylori.

It is never too late to switch to the options provided by mother nature. Let’s not waste another moment and move back to options of good old days with no hints of adulteration and just pure organic joy.

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