Herbs that can be used for Muscle Pain

What is muscle pain?

Muscle pain, scientifically known as myalgia, is a common ache that often occurs due to overuse, injury, fatigue, tension, stress, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, or any other health problem. It can be characterized by a sharp spastic pain or sometimes deep continuous ache. 

Symptoms of muscle pain

Muscle pain is quite easy to distinguish from other body aches. Its symptoms include:

  • Sharp achy pain in the affected area
  • Stiffness
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Tenderness and pain may be felt when moving or resting
  • Inflammation when a muscle is injured

3 Herbs Recommended for Muscle Pain



Overshadowed by the title of weed, dandelion sure does contain some excellent medicinal properties in its very much predictable yellow flowers. It eases the pain of sore muscles and arthritis, imparts anti-inflammatory action, soothes the irritated skin, and improves the functioning of the kidney and liver. Gently massage the Dandelion Salve where there is stiffness and soreness and let the salve heal your pain.



For millennia, skullcaps have been used to treat pains of different origins. It is hailed as a highly effective analgesic, antispasmodic, antipyretic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and antihypertensive. It is used as a muscle relaxant where its analgesic property tampers the signals that send the pain sensations to the brain, reducing the soreness and stiffness of the muscle. Use Skullcap Tincture up to 3 times daily to treat your muscle pain and enjoy the best of carefree days.



Calendula is yet another hero in the world of herbalism that provides remarkable relief from muscle pain. When combined with comfrey, its analgesic and anti-inflammatory property enhance multiple folds that can address sprains, arthritic pain, muscular pain, and other body aches. Use a healing pair of your hands and massage Sunshine Salve (a powerful combination of calendula and comfrey with the gentleness of lavender essential oil) on the affected area, pressing it deeply into the skin to subside your discomfort.

Other Herbal Products for Muscle Pain