Homemade Ginger Tincture - Help Ease your Stomach Issues

Homemade Ginger Tincture - Help Ease your Stomach Issues

By Shannon, Posted in MK Product

We are excited to announce one of our favorite additions to March’s Out of the Woods Apothecary Box: the Ginger Tincture.  As you may have read in our blog dedicated to all things ginger, this potent spice offers not only a wealth of flavor but also a variety of health benefits.  Ask anyone who’s suffered from morning sickness, and they can tell you: ginger is the way to go.  However, in addition to calming an upset stomach, ginger can do so much more to keep your insides up and running in the healthiest way possible.

Though our tincture is not recommended for pregnant women since it is prepared with alcohol, the tincture will help soothe a variety of ailments.  In addition to helping an upset belly, ginger can also relieve some symptoms of allergies, can stimulate your circulatory system, and can alleviate irritable bowel syndrome.  In the event that you overindulge on any of our awesome recipes – ok, or on anything at all – give the ginger tincture a whirl for some digestive and bloating help.

Though this doesn’t exactly relate to our tincture, specifically, we do highly recommend cooking with ginger.  Freshly grated ginger – or even a sprinkle of the dried stuff – can add a unique and delicious flavor to many dishes that you already create.  It is potent, so many people shy away from it, but trust us.  Give it a whirl for a little something new.  Your mouths, and bellies, will thank you!

Homemade Ginger Tincture - Mayernik Kitchen