Herbs to Help During Smokey Conditions

Herbs to Help During Smokey Conditions

By Shannon, Posted in Herbal Remedies

As the flames of Canadian wildfires rage, their impact extends far beyond national borders. The billowing smoke knows no boundaries, wafting across the border into the United States and affecting the health of American citizens. 

Carried by prevailing winds, this haze of fine particulate matter infiltrates cities, towns, and rural areas in the United States, settling like a shroud over the landscape. These tiny, hazardous particles are known as PM2.5, and they can penetrate deep into the respiratory system, causing widespread health issues.

In this blog, we will discuss how different combinations of herbs can help you deal with smokey conditions and evade the wrath of respiratory diseases.

Sage & Horehound

The medicinal herbs sage and horehound have long been utilized for their possible advantages in promoting respiratory health. Both of them contain substances that help to treat certain respiratory diseases. 

Sage contains compounds like rosmarinic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce asthma and bronchitis episodes. Its antimicrobial property helps fight against bacterial and viral infections that can affect the respiratory system.

Horehound, on the other hand, is famous for its expectorant action. It can help stimulate the production of mucus and promote its expulsion from the respiratory passages, relieving chest congestion and cough in the process. It also imparts soothing effects on irritated mucous membranes in the respiratory tract which may be beneficial for easing discomfort and inflammation in the throat and bronchial tubes.

Holy Basil & Lemon Balm

Holy Basil and lemon balm can do wonders for your health when used together. They both are famous for managing anxiety and respiratory conditions like champ. 

Holy Basil is considered an adaptogenic herb, which means it may help the body adapt to stress and restore balance. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which can help alleviate respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and coughs.

Lemon Balm is renowned for its calming properties. It is often used to reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and improve sleep quality. Anxiety can have a significant impact on respiratory conditions, as stress can trigger or worsen respiratory symptoms. By calming the nervous system, it may indirectly benefit respiratory health by reducing anxiety-related triggers.

Lemon Balm is believed to have antispasmodic effects too, which means it may help relax smooth muscles, including those in the respiratory tract. This relaxation can be beneficial in reducing bronchial spasms and easing breathing difficulties.

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow Root is an ancient herbal remedy known for its potential benefits in supporting respiratory health. It contains a mucilaginous substance that, when mixed with water, forms a thick, viscous gel. This gel can coat the throat and respiratory tract, providing a protective layer that soothes irritated mucous membranes. It may help ease throat irritation, coughs, and other discomforts associated with respiratory conditions.

Marshmallow root's mucilaginous nature can be especially helpful in relieving dry, non-productive coughs. It could lessen the irritation that sets off the cough reflex by generating a shield over the respiratory passages.

Its cooling and moistening nature makes it a good choice to use during smokey conditions as it may reduce inflammation of the airways and dryness/irritation that causes a dry cough.