Medicinal Benefits of Kitchen Herbs

Medicinal Benefits of Kitchen Herbs

By Shannon, Posted in Garden

A while back, I was tending to our kitchen garden and my thoughts couldn’t help but ponder over their utmost importance. It’s amazing how certain small herbs can help in the omission of good-for-nothing synthetic medicines.

During these challenging times, we must provide our body with the tools it needs to cope up with daily nuisances. Talking of tools, let’s drift back to the kitchen herbs that are oh-so-easy to grow and add to our daily routine. The kitchen herbs not only give the much-needed pop of color to the recipes, but they are also a natural source of vitamins and minerals.

Almost every herbalism-driven household in the US is prettifying its cuisines with heroic kitchen herbs. It is time to celebrate the medicinal perks of the herbs that we are cooking on a normal basis.

Fresh rosemary bundled on wood table


Rosemary is a flavorful herb with a myriad of fringe benefits. It is frequently employed as a spice, as a natural preservative in food and cosmetic industries, and as an ornamental plant.

Without letting you know, its consumption can help prevent asthma, ischemic heart diseases, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer, and renal colic. It can also help with high cholesterol, lung injury, and depression with physical and natural fatigue.

In cooking, rosemary is seasoned on a vast variety of dishes, such as casseroles, soups, salads, stews, and whatnot. It also tags wells with meat, chicken, lamb, fish, and fried mushrooms, peas, and spinach.


Basil leaves are not just beautiful and medicinally important; they are also flavorful to the core. They help in the management of diabetes, liver functioning, digestive tract disorders, and depression. It can also treat fever, common cold, sore throat, cough, and insect bites.

Mainly it is used as a flavoring agent and condiment for food. It is a habitual treat for the eyes and the gut when you come across pesto, lasagna, salads, dried tomato sauce, and as a garnish.


Thyme is a chivalrous relative of oregano. It has the powers to help support various ailments, including sore throat, persistent cough, halitosis, bronchitis, colic, gastritis, flatulence, diarrhea, dyspraxia, and internal parasitic infections.

The sharp, minty flavor and dry aroma sits well with many soups, sauces, braises, fish, meat, rice dishes, chowder, vegetable dishes, eggs, and croquettes. Thyme flavor is a perfect fit for French, Mediterranean, and Italian cuisines.


Ancient Greeks and Romans profusely loved the existence of oregano. Since then, oregano has found its use in every possible way. Either fresh or dry, as a tincture or oil, the multitasking of oregano knows no bounds.

Oregano is liable to treat cough, fever, asthma, bronchitis, irritability, urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, rheumatoid arthritis, diarrhea, depression, and even cancer. Its unique taste and novel fragrance have earned it the respect it deserves in the culinary world.

If you’ve got a soft corner for the herbs (which you definitely do!), then it’s time to make these magical kitchen herbs your best friend.  Even if your health seems just fine, you may find that using these kitchen herbs can be a fruitful addition to your conventional routine.


live oregano plant in a pot