Mayernik Kitchen Update - New Jersey

Mayernik Kitchen Update - New Jersey

By Shannon, Posted in Personal

Helloo Everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying your summer so far...I know Matt and I have been. We have been CRAZY busy these past few weeks which is why it's been a little quite around here. We have soo much going on, and so many things we want to share, that when we get home from our crazy busy weekends or days out and about, we just need to sit and relax. No excuse though right?!

So I wanted to write and fill you in a bit on what's been going on.

Let's start on the Mayernik Garden! It's doing AWESOME. We will have another blog post going up mid-July to show everything that is growing. We have already picked a few cherry tomatoes, yellow and green squash, a few pickling cucumbers, beets, radishes, turnips and yes, more rhubarb. I am still in awe how awesome the rhubarb is doing! We just froze about 5 lbs of it so we can use it throughout the fall/winter months.

Also, if you are following us on Facebook and Instagram (which you all should be HAHA), we purchased 57.5 lbs of strawberries two weeks ago. We got them for a local farm, which is also 100% Organic. Not much more you can ask for right. We originally wanted 4 cases (8 quarts in case), they then threw in 2 extra quarts for free but when we got home, we realized we had 40 quarts of strawberries....40 QUARTS! It took about 3-4 days to cut up and freeze them all but it's all done. There will also be a blog post in the next few days on how we prepped them all.

We have been out foraging a lot lately too. We go out after dinner for walks and always come across something we can use. We know the area's in which we pick from, so everything is very wild and never touched with chemicals or pesticides. Our latest finds have been mullein, wild rose, St. John's wort, mugwort and plantain leaf. We have made tinctures, teas, infusions and oils with them. I am also about 5 months into my herb apprenticeship with Robin Rose Bennett and I'd love to share with you all how that's been going. I'll blog about it soon.

Do you see a trend here...soo many things going on, so little time to sit and write about them all even though we have SOOO many ideas. We are coming up with a schedule so we can stick to what we want to post, create, and make to share with all of our readers! I have a great Coffee Scrub Recipe I want to share with you all (as well as a pint of used coffee grounds in my fridge that I've been waiting to use), some DIY projects, yummy summertime recipes, and of course, a step by step of how Matt built our new greenhouse!

So if you are all patient with us, we promise there are lots of new things on the horizon. We have some interviews in the works of local businesses and entrepreneurs that fit our lifestyle and way of living that we think you can all benefit from also.

So be sure to check back often, follow us on Facebook and Instagram for daily updates and drop us a line on anything you'd love to see from us! We are open to suggestions and would love some feedback.

It's now time for me to clean up the kitchen since we just made a few tinctures and jarred our first harvest of lavender, shower, drink a cup of my wild rose and lavender infusion and head to bed.

Until next time-

Shannon and Matt
