Sale begins April 2024

Marjoram - Live Plant

Marjoram - Live Plant

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Marjoram, a culinary herb, can be grown as a perennial in zones 8+, in New Jersey Marjoram is grown as an annual or taken in over winter. The floral taste and smell is great additional any kitchen pantry.

What essentials do I need to ensure success in cultivating Marjoram?

To thrive, Marjoram requires attention to water, light, and soil. Upon receiving your plant, aim to position it in full sun to partial shade sunlight.

If you are growinging in a container, you can easily control the soil. However if you are growing in the ground, Marjoram grows best in well-drained, sandy soil.

Understanding the potential size of Marjoram is crucial. It's advised to space them 12-18 inches apart, as they can reach up to 12-24 inches in height and 12-24 inches in diameter.

The flowering season of Marjoram is often summer to fall, but be aware that it might not bloom until its second year, depending on planting timing.

In what ways can I utilize Marjoram?

The leaves of the plant has long been used to produce culinary use, reflecting the diverse benefits attributed to Marjoram over time.

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